The Bragg Factor® Blog

Tuesday Tip March 29, Start Your Day Off With Confidence I'm excited to have had the opportunity to speak at Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce to talk about my new book, Dreams WIthout Goals are Nightmares. How to use the Bragg Factor to Reach Your Goals in Record Time. You know, it is important...

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Tuesday Tip Mar. 15 – The Power of Habits I'm excited to have a new book coming out - "Dreams Without Goals Are Nightmares - How to use TheBraggFactor to reach your goals in record time." One of the things I teach in the book is about the power of habits. How your success is the...

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Tuesday Tip – March 1 – Take the Time to Laugh Did you know there are health benefits from humor and laughter? Take the time to laugh to get these Seven (7) Health Benefits from Laughter: Laughter diminishes Pain by triggering endorphins providing you with some pain...

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