The Bragg Factor® Blog

Don’t Take Your Dreams and Goals To Your Grave

Don’t Take Your Dreams and Goals To Your Grave

Regardless of how old you are, you probably know someone your age who is dead. So be grateful that you are alive. And remember, life isn't promised. So start today, identifying your purpose and pursuing your dreams and goals. Because too many people take their dreams...

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How to Reach Your Goals? A 90 Day Strategy

How to Reach Your Goals? A 90 Day Strategy

As we get ready in this new year, over the next 90 days, I want you to ask yourself 4 questions each day. What is my goal? What is the time frame to meet that goal? But most importantly, what's holding you back? When you think about what's holding you back, write down...

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Are You Tired of Being Stuck?

Are You Tired of Being Stuck?

Are you tired of Being Stuck? Do you understand Your Value? As another year comes to an end, leaders and other professionals who are committed to their continued growth are looking for effective ways to enhance their performance. As a Certified High Performance Coach,...

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How Should You End Your Year?

How Should You End Your Year?

This is Dr. Bragg, wishing you and your family a happy holiday season. I ask you to please write down 3 things that you are the most grateful for. We know that people who show gratitude are healthier, happier, and more successful. I urge you to end this year focusing...

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How to Finish The Year Strong!!

How to Finish The Year Strong!!

As we move forward into a new year, I want you to reflect upon last year and take the time to analyze what you accomplished. Recognize those achievements and celebrate them. Don't spend any time feeling guilty about the things that you didn't accomplish, because...

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How to Finish Strong: Use the NIP Method

How to Finish Strong: Use the NIP Method

So, what is the tip today? Don't get frustrated when you have a roadblock. Just try to NIP it in the bud and use these 3 steps: N — Navigate the possibilities and see the big picture. I — Be inquisitive. Maybe look at the internet and research and see what else you...

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Sending You Much Gratitude

Sending You Much Gratitude

I want you to know that I sincerely appreciate you following my blog over the past year. And during this season of gratitude, I wanted to take the time to express my appreciation to each of you for following my tips. I look forward to having you commenting throughout...

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How a 30-Second Brag Helps You Promote Yourself

How a 30-Second Brag Helps You Promote Yourself

It's important for everyone to have a 30-Second Bragg to promote yourself with confidence. Here's what Ericka Ward, a workshop participant, has to say about creating a 30-Second Bragg. “Hi. My name is Ericka Ward, and I am the program coordinator for diversity, equity...

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What To Do When You Are Defeated

What To Do When You Are Defeated

Whenever we get defeated in a competition or in any other way, we feel disappointed. And we feel like we are surrounded by darkness, and sometimes we lose hope. But I want you to know that it is in darkness that we can shine our light. Have you ever noticed that when...

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