Do you ever worry when you know that worrying doesn't help anything? How many times have you just worry and it really helped you to solve a problem? It's never really done that for me. And yet, we know that worrying takes about seven years off of your life. If you...
The Bragg Factor® Blog
Do you have a mentor or coach?
Do you have a mentor, or a coach? Have you ever wondered how you could maximize that relationship? Three things to remember - First, prepare before you meet with them. Read their book if they've written a book or review their website so that you have an understanding...
What is your purpose? Learn from Jalen Hurts
Henry Ford once said, there is no failure except failure to serve one's purpose. Jalen Hurts, the starting quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles once said that he had his purpose well before others had their opinion that he could not be a starting quarterback in the...
Do you know what millionaires do every day?
Did you know what successful people do every day? Let me give you three tips. They wake up early every morning. Secondly, they read a lot. Research says they read about 30 minutes every day. Warren Buffet, a self-made billionaire says that reading has been the most...