Do you know what millionaires do every day?

Feb 7, 2023 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Did you know what successful people do every day? Let me give you three tips. They wake up early every morning.

Secondly, they read a lot. Research says they read about 30 minutes every day. Warren Buffet, a self-made billionaire says that reading has been the most critical habit that he’s developed.

And thirdly, they take time to just think. They use about 15 to 30 minutes every day to just write down their thoughts and to think. So, I recommend getting a thinking pad, and you can use my bestselling journal for that purpose. I use it to just write down my thoughts. 

Stop The Madness: 7 Things That Are Holding You Back

Let's talk about the top 7 things that are holding you back and what to do about them. It's now March Madness season and we wanna get mad about the things in our life and get rid of those things that have been holding us back. Let's follow 7 steps and get rid of 7...

Do you want maximum confidence?

You know, we’re living in difficult times, and when you hear the news, read the paper, read a magazine, we hear nothing but painful, awful things. And so it makes us feel gloomy. It makes us feel like there is no good. And as a result, I want to encourage you to...

How to Rethink Failure

It was Thomas Edison who tried 10,000 times before he successfully created the light bulb. When asked if he failed 10,000 times, Edison said, no, I just had 10,000 experiences before I successfully created the light bulb. So the next time things don't come out right...

Set Confidence Targets

Sometimes to develop your self-confidence you have to set potential confidence targets. A confidence target might be starting a task or project that you've been putting off for a long time. Often we put off starting an important task because they seem overwhelming....

Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goal

As you evaluate your goals for this year, I want you to look back at your goals for last year and see which ones were on your list that you didn't accomplish, and then do some self-reflection and ask why did you not accomplish him? I think that it may be because of a...

This is why you haven’t achieved your goal yet

In reaching your goal, I say there are four questions that I ask whenever I have a goal, something I want to do. I say goals equal W to the fourth power. You have to say, What is it I want? What is it I really want? And then you have to give it a timeframe. When do I...

How to Fake It Till You Make It

Hi, this is Dr. Bragg from the brag with a tip for a Terrific Tuesday. I think it is very important for you to behave as if. For instance, when my mother told me when I was in that chemistry class, you just act like this is the Winford Bragg show. So I had...

What To Do When You Have An AHA Moment

In my new book, Dreams Without Goals Are Nightmares, I talk about moments. A moment is when something you read in my book tmakes a mental light bulb go off, and suddenly you realize, how simple is that? I can do it too.In my book, I have a worksheet where you can...

How to Train Your Brain and Have a Good Day!

I'm excited today to be at the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, talking about my new book, Dreams Without Goals Are Nightmares: How to Use the Bragg Factor to Reach Your Goals in Record Time. You know, it is important for you to reach your goals in record time to...

You must unleash the power of goal setting

Before you can fully unleash the power of goal setting you must write down your goals and be clear of where you are now and where you want to go. Take time to jot down what's holding you back. But it is equally important that you decide what you want and understand...

Give Gratitude: Tips to Live Longer and Happier

I'm wishing and hoping that you have a terrific Tuesday. As we enter into Thanksgiving time, I want you to take time to tell your loved ones, your friends, and your staff, how grateful you are for them. This is a time when we should think about gratitude. Even if we...

Strategies To Stop Holding Yourself Back

Today I want to talk to you about some strategies on how to stop holding yourself back. When I wrote my bestselling book on Dreams Without Goals or Nightmares, as you know, there are four questions you have to ask yourself whenever you're thinking about a goal. My...

Stay on Track With Your Goals with Dr. Bragg’s 90-Day Journal!

It is important that we start working on our goals right now. This is why I've created a supplement to my best selling book, Dreams Without Goals are Nightmares, a 90-Day journal, so you can stay on track and make sure that you accomplish your goals in 2023. To ensure...

Why You Shouldn’t Look at Your Cell Phone Right After Waking Up in the Morning

Morning Routine is important, and maybe you're into meditation, maybe you're into Tai Chi, maybe you have exercise, maybe you listen to music. And then, and I wanna start my day with confidence. And that means that I don't look at the cell phone early in the morning...

What to do when life gets you down

Often I may ask, what do you do when life just gets you down? Well, that happens to all of us. And what I have found, and what I coach others to do, is to step away from that situation for a while and give yourself a chance to have a fresh perspective. Sometimes it's...

Three Tips to Stop Fear and Anxiety

I want to share 3 tips that can help you to overcome a fear — something you are afraid of that causes you to be anxious. First, I want you to learn more about that fear. Why are you afraid? And you may find through learning more about it that your fear is unfounded...

How to Turn Failure Into a Success

No one likes to fail. I know I don't. But there are some good things that we can learn from failure that will allow us to fail forward. In fact, successful people study their failures so that they can take what they learned from them to move forward. Because if we are...

How to Motivate Yourself to Change

Often I'm asked, "How do you motivate yourself to make changes?" Well, you need to write down your goals. And when you write them down, break them down into smaller chunks because that makes it easier to achieve the goals. And it is important to celebrate your small...

Do you have a mentor or coach?

Do you have a mentor, or a coach? Have you ever wondered how you could maximize that relationship? Three things to remember - First, prepare before you meet with them. Read their book if they've written a book or review their website so that you have an understanding...

Accept No Limitations

Have you ever had a bad week and you just didn't know how you were going to get everything done and you just didn't know what to do? Well, this is what I call the third step in the Bragg Factor®, which is called accept no limitation. The only thing that's stopping you...