How to Celebrate Your Wins!!

Oct 29, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

All of us have had setbacks, disappointments, and some failures in our lives.

When we were children, sometimes when we did things that weren’t right, we were met with great emotional intensity for making errors or mistakes, more so than for some of our successes.

As a result, our brains most easily remember events that were accomplished by strong negative emotions and underappreciate the number of successes we’ve had because they were not met with many emotions.

So, the best way to counteract this is to consciously focus on and celebrate your successes.

Research has shown many times that the more you acknowledge your past successes, the more confident you will become in successfully accomplishing new ones.

So, this is why again I say keep a celebration log where you can write down your successes and the wins that you’ve had on a daily basis, so that we can counteract those negative experiences and move toward opportunities and bigger things. 

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