Hi, this is Dr. Bragg from the brag factor.com with a tip for a Terrific Tuesday. I think it is very important for you to behave as if. For instance, when my mother told me when I was in that chemistry class, you just act like this is the Winford Bragg show. So I had to act like I was somewhere. Well, I was not. When this man was ridiculing me and she was basically saying, act like it’s your show. And once the person realized that you are empowered, that you are not gonna be the little girl crying and embarrassed, it would extinguish that thing that they’re doing to you.
So sometimes you are in an environment, you may be the only woman there, and you may be afraid, but you have to speak up and internalize that this is your room. This is your place. And so, and you deserve to be there. And it comes from a standpoint of understanding. Sometimes we lose confidence. If we think we don’t deserve it, or we don’t deserve to be there. My mother told me, you deserve to be at the University of Alabama.
You are an honor student, you were accepted there, you have good grades. No one else in that class should know that much more than you. So you deserve to be there. So when you understand that you deserve to be there, that kinda empowers you, and you can stand tall and breathe better and say something that’s more empowering about yourself.
So behave as if and so, whatever you want to become, I tell people to try to get a, a coach that can kinda help you and direct you in that direction where you want to go behave as if that’s why people have mentees and mentors to, to work with them. So, that helps speed matters. When you have someone that you can model – modeling is what behavior is.