How to Motivate Yourself to Change

Jul 16, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Often I’m asked, “How do you motivate yourself to make changes?”

Well, you need to write down your goals. And when you write them down, break them down into smaller chunks because that makes it easier to achieve the goals.

And it is important to celebrate your small wins.

Set aside time and put it on your calendar to do some relaxing things and to celebrate your small successes.

It’s also important and may help you to surround yourself with people who have similar goals because they can also hold you accountable.

And you want to eliminate distractions.

Put your cell phone out of sight so that you can focus on the things that are important to you during the time that you write down your goals, your strategies, and what it is you’re trying to achieve.

I hope these tips are beneficial to you and help you to be motivated to change.

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