Sometimes people have the best business idea that comes from their skill, from their hobbies or their passions, more so than something they were trained for. A young woman who came to see me in a workshop, and her hobby was graphic arts. She was training into...
The Bragg Factor® Blog
How to Start Getting Comfortable with Self-Promotion
I think that bragging a little bit on yourself will give you confidence. You could start out not having confidence, but after bragging on your self, you'll gain a little confidence. This is why I tell people that they need to create what I call a Bragg Book about...
Creating Daily Positive Affirmations
We live in a world with so much negativity that we have to daily remind ourselves of how good we are and do some self-talk, positive self talk, each day. We can do that by creating affirmations. Affirmations will help change your mindset and can open the door to...
Why You Shouldn’t Look at Your Cell Phone Right After Waking Up in the Morning
Morning Routine is important, and maybe you're into meditation, maybe you're into Tai Chi, maybe you have exercise, maybe you listen to music. And then, and I wanna start my day with confidence. And that means that I don't look at the cell phone early in the morning...