Creating Daily Positive Affirmations

Oct 11, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

We live in a world with so much negativity that we have to daily remind ourselves of how good we are and do some self-talk, positive self talk, each day. We can do that by creating affirmations. Affirmations will help change your mindset and can open the door to opportunities rather than obstacles.

Affirmations can increase your motivation so that you take action toward your goals. And affirmation is really a statement with a thought that gives a picture that says that you already have your goal.

So one of the things you wanna do when you do an affirmation, you wanna say, “I am a good mother.” “I am a good friend.” “I am skillful.” “I am talented.”

Never use the word not in an affirmation.

Affirmations are always stated in the present tense, and you wanna say it as though it’s happening now.

Keep it short, keep it brief, and keep it specific.

You may want to use an action verb when you do an affirmation. For instance, if you are dreaming of becoming a manager, “I am managing a team of 50 people right now at Microsoft.” If that is the job of your dream, if you see yourself as a computer salesman, “I am breaking records at Microsoft selling computers this quarter.”

You may choose to do your self-talk in the morning when you look in the mirror and close your eyes and visualize your goals.

But it is important that during the day, in order to increase your motivation and increase the positivity in your life and your self-confidence, that you write down 10 things about yourself. How skillful you are and how valuable you are.

“I am a good friend.” “I am a good mother.” “I am a good wife.” “I am good at my job.” “I deserve the job that I am applying for.” “I am going to get that job because of my hard work.”

Write down 10 things that are positive about yourself each day. If you suffer from low self-confidence, this will help you to see yourself in a positive light. 

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