Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” This is true. Whether you achieve your goals or whether you don’t achieve them all comes down to whether you believe in yourself. The Bragg Factor teaches you how to own and communicate your value. In doing so, you will gain self-confidence. In my latest book, “How to Create Your Bragg Book For a Competitive Job Market” you will get templates to help you present yourself in a powerful and confident way. When you put together your Bragg Book, you will gain self-confidence and a new awareness of how good you are. Without believing in yourself you can’t achieve your goals. I encourage you to go to Amazon.com and get a copy of my book – “How to Create Your Bragg Book for a Competitive Job Market” and let’s see if you can’t get a better job, a higher salary, or a promotion. “Remember, whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” It’s all up to how you believe in yourself. So start today knowing that you can.
What you think about yourself matter
Aug 2, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday
How to Fake It Till You Make It
Hi, this is Dr. Bragg from the brag factor.com with a tip for a Terrific Tuesday. I think it is very important for you to behave as if. For instance, when my mother told me when I was in that chemistry class, you just act like this is the Winford Bragg show. So I had...
Why You Don’t Celebrate Your Wins and Why You Should Fix That
All of us have had setbacks and disappointments and some failures in our lives when we were a child. Sometimes when we did things that weren't right, they were met with great emotional intensity when we made an error or mistake, more so than some of our successes. As...
Success: From the Bottom and UP
A lot of times when we set out to accomplish a new goal, we get held back because, in our mind, we get worried and feel trapped, thinking that we're starting from the bottom. Well, let me tell you, success starts from the bottom and moves up. Did you know that the...
Prayers for the University of Virginia Football Players Families
Today, I'm sending my condolences and prayers to the families of the three University Virginia football players who were killed in a shooting on Sunday night. I'm also sending prayers that the two other students who were injured will recover fully. Our thoughts and...
How to Get Redemption After a Setback
I hope you've had the opportunity to watch the Olympics as I have. This week, I've learned of many inspirational stories, but two stories that I find very powerful and inspirational are the stories of Suni Lee, a young woman who had a physical condition, and Simone...
How to Overcome Failures and Succeed: The Prune and Grow Strategy
Today I want to share how I overcome failures and succeed. I'm often asked, what do you do when things in your life don't work out? Well, one thing I've learned is that success is not permanent. Even though you may be successful in one part of your life there's always...
Why You Shouldn’t Look at Your Cell Phone Right After Waking Up in the Morning
Morning Routine is important, and maybe you're into meditation, maybe you're into Tai Chi, maybe you have exercise, maybe you listen to music. And then, and I wanna start my day with confidence. And that means that I don't look at the cell phone early in the morning...
The Power of Visualization
In my best selling book, Dreams Without Goals or Nightmares, I talk about the importance of visualizations and how visualization can help you to reach your goals. We know that well trained athletes use visualization all the time. Simone Biles has even said that she...
Take Time to Show Gratitude to Family and Friends
I hope that you spent time this weekend celebrating Memorial Day with your family and your friends. And that you took time to be grateful for those who have served this country that allows us to have the Freedoms that we have. With all of the tragedies that we've had...
What to do when life gets you down
Often I may ask, what do you do when life just gets you down? Well, that happens to all of us. And what I have found, and what I coach others to do, is to step away from that situation for a while and give yourself a chance to have a fresh perspective. Sometimes it's...
4 Tips To Network Like A Pro
Learn to network like a pro! When you're going to a networking event, a lot of people picture eating cheese and drinking a little wine or drinking a soda. But this is an important time when you are laying the foundation for long term business relationships. I often...
Do you know what millionaires do every day?
Did you know what successful people do every day? Let me give you three tips. They wake up early every morning. Secondly, they read a lot. Research says they read about 30 minutes every day. Warren Buffet, a self-made billionaire says that reading has been the most...
How to Train Your Brain and Have a Good Day!
I'm excited today to be at the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, talking about my new book, Dreams Without Goals Are Nightmares: How to Use the Bragg Factor to Reach Your Goals in Record Time. You know, it is important for you to reach your goals in record time to...
How to Solve Problems
I want to share with you something that happened to me in the office the other day. An elderly woman went in the bathroom, and when she left the bathroom, she locked the door. When another patient wanted to use the bathroom, she couldn't get in. My receptionist said,...
What does B-R-A-G-G stand for?
In my best-selling book, How to Create Your Brag Book for a Competitive Job Market, I teach you the importance of bragging. A lot of people think about bragging as being negative, but I want you to remember that Bragg using my name, B R A G G, is a five letter word,...
Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goal
As you evaluate your goals for this year, I want you to look back at your goals for last year and see which ones were on your list that you didn't accomplish, and then do some self-reflection and ask why did you not accomplish him? I think that it may be because of a...
How to Start Believing in Yourself
Are you reaching your goals? What are you doing in the morning when you wake up? It is important to look in that mirror and to believe in the person that you see and to tell that person when you get up in the morning that you can accomplish your goals. Write down your...
Do You Have the Heart of a Leader like Harriet Tubman?
In celebration of Black History Month, we want to pay tribute to Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was a freed slave who went back and forth through the Underground Railroad over 19 times and freed 300 slaves. When we think about a leader, many times people ask, "What is...
Show Gratitude Today
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday with your family and your friends. I want you to continue to focus on gratitude because we know that studies have shown that people who show gratitude are more successful, happier, and healthier. So embrace your family and...
Why You Should Count Your Blessings
I want you to think during these holiday seasons, the importance of just counting your blessings. Sometimes we don't think that we have things to be grateful for. Earlier I was in the airport, and yes, I was complaining about the long security lines, and a lady...