I’m excited today to be at the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, talking about my new book, Dreams Without Goals Are Nightmares: How to Use the Bragg Factor to Reach Your Goals in Record Time.
You know, it is important for you to reach your goals in record time to start your day with confidence.
You have control of how you start your day.
When I get up in the morning, I close my eyes, and I say, “Winifred Bragg, you got this.”
This is what you should do. Start your day with confidence.
As I researched for my book, I learned that millionaires and billionaires don’t start off looking at their cell phones.
Many of us pennyaires, we get up, and we’re checking that phone.
And all we find on that phone is that person who calls us with drama is calling us again.
Don’t we know this?
So why don’t you hit the ignore button on the phone, and don’t pick it up?
Millionaires and billionaires take time in the morning, just for themselves, so that they can start their day with confidence.