Why You Need to Grow Your Gift

Feb 6, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

I want to talk about the fourth step of the  Bragg Factor®.

Step 1: Behave as if

Step 2: Resist the urge to complain and quit

Step 3: Accept no limitations

Step 4: Grow your gift

Step 5: Gratitude

Today we’re going talk about that fourth step, grow your gift. I think this is very important because a lot of us have gifts that sometimes we don’t even recognize.

People often ask me, “How can I know what is my gift?” You could know your gift by what do people frequently ask you to do. You may be someone who’s very good in color coordination and organizing, and you would just notice that when your friends come by, they’re always asking you about their clothes or their home, how the colors match and how things are organized.

You might be working in another job, but you realize what your natural gift is because people are asking you about that all the time.

I once coached a young lady who had a marketing degree and she wanted to get a good job. We discovered that her gift was graphic design. She now has a company where she does graphic designs for people and she’s doing very well in that. One of the things I had to teach her is she used to always just say, “Well, I just know how to do graphic design.”

I taught her to eliminate the word “just” from her vocabulary because it diminished her value and her gift. Sometimes you need to take the time to grow your gifts because you can find out that your gifts can lead you to a career on its own.

So think about it. Write down what are your strengths, evaluate them, ask your friend to comment on them, and then that will help you to grow your gifts.

I hope this tip has been beneficial.

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