What does B-R-A-G-G stand for?

Dec 13, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

In my best-selling book, How to Create Your Brag Book for a Competitive Job Market, I teach you the importance of bragging. A lot of people think about bragging as being negative, but I want you to remember that Bragg using my name, B R A G G, is a five letter word, not a four letter word. The B stands for “behave as if.” The R stands for “resist the urge to.” A – “accept no limitation.” G, “grow your gift.” And the last G stands for gratitude. So when you brag, I want you to brag in a state of gratitude.

Did you know that fear and anger can’t occupy the same space as gratitude? And this is why when you brag, you wanna brag and focus on gratitude. Successful people show gratitude and are grateful.

Studies have shown that when you show gratitude and are grateful that you are healthier, happier, and more successful when you brag. I want you to have a vision of the results that you want because when you have a vision, you are going to have momentum to move toward your results. Let me share with you, it was Roger Banister in 1954, a medical student who decided that he wanted to run the mile in less than four minutes.

It had never been done before, but when he trained, he trained not only physically and on running, but he trained his mind relentlessly to visualize seeing himself winning the race. And Expert said that it was his vision around the certainty of winning that propelled him to win that race. So when you brag, I want you to have a vision of the results. Try this with me.

Raise your right arm to shoulder level and move it to the right as far back as you can, and note how far it goes. Now I want you to sit up with your feet in front of you and close your eyes. Don’t move your arm this time, but visualize moving your arm as far back as you can. Imagine it going far, far back, farther than it did before.

Lock in on that image. Now open your eyes, sit up, raise your arm shoulder high, and move it to the right. And this time, notice your arm as you notice my arm moved further to the back. I bet most of you saw that your arm moved further back. Why did it do that? It did that because you had cemented in your mind the vision of the result that you wanted. This is the first step in the Bragg Factor®. Behave as if and when you behave as if with certainty. You too can receive good results.


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