Does Passion Affect Your Goals?

Jan 17, 2023 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Did you know there’s a relationship between passion and reaching your goals? The more passionate you are about reaching your goals, the more likely you are to reach them. You see, when you have passion about something, you are energized, and this can keep you motivated to stay on track. So when you have challenges, you will follow through. My tip today is simple – Be passionate about your goals so that you can reach them.

How to reach your goals quickly

I want to give you three tips to help you accomplish your goals. 1. Begin with the end insight 2. Be proactive 3. Begin each day visualizing your goals and work at them every day. If you can do these three things, you can accomplish any of your goals quickly

What’s Distracting You From Your Goals?

There are three distractions that can cause us not to reach our goals. One of them is PEOPLE. Are the PEOPLE you're spending time with an asset or a liability? Secondly, your PASSIONS. Are there things that you enjoy doing that are distracting you from reaching your...

How to Stay On Track With Your Goals? Your 6 Months Check Up

We're halfway through this year and how are you done reaching your goals? If you are having trouble, you can use my 90-Day journal to help keep you on track. Write down what it is you want to accomplish and remember the four questions that I've told you are key to...

How to reach your goals? Nip it!

We've been talking about goals since the beginning of this year. I want you to know that first of all, you are worthy of achieving your goals. You deserve to be successful. I talked about last week on focusing on what's holding you back, because if we can erase those...

No more excuses!

No more excuses! Last week, I outlined 7 things that were holding you back, and today, we're gonna talk about step 1, making excuses. Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Well, interesting, most of us started out at the same place in...

Control Your Mindset Like a Thermostat and Control Your Environment

It's time to learn how to control your mindset to control your environment. Sometimes when we don't feel good and don't feel happy, we want to blame others for how we feel. The truth is we have to control our own happiness. You know, you could either be a thermometer...

What is your purpose? Learn from Jalen Hurts

Henry Ford once said, there is no failure except failure to serve one's purpose. Jalen Hurts, the starting quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles once said that he had his purpose well before others had their opinion that he could not be a starting quarterback in the...

Take Time to Show Gratitude to Family and Friends

I hope that you spent time this weekend celebrating Memorial Day with your family and your friends. And that you took time to be grateful for those who have served this country that allows us to have the Freedoms that we have. With all of the tragedies that we've had...

Are you bragging or sharing your value?

Katie: "How would you relate your value to bragging? Because bragging gets a really negative connotation. A lot of people think it's arrogant to brag. I would love for you to talk about more, why is bragging such a negative thing, but how can we kind of change our...

Five Tips to Train Yourself to Think Positive

Life can be difficult, so we have to learn how to deal with life challenges and learn to train ourselves to think positive. How do we do that? There are five things we can do. First, we have to reframe negative thoughts. Second, practice gratitude.You can keep a...

Let’s Work Together to Make America Safe

As Americans, we have always worked together to reduce public health problems. And now, gun violence has become a major public health problem. Since January 2022, there have been more than 233 mass shootings in America. It is time for us as Americans to unite and...

How to Rethink Failure

It was Thomas Edison who tried 10,000 times before he successfully created the light bulb. When asked if he failed 10,000 times, Edison said, no, I just had 10,000 experiences before I successfully created the light bulb. So the next time things don't come out right...

Show Gratitude Today

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday with your family and your friends. I want you to continue to focus on gratitude because we know that studies have shown that people who show gratitude are more successful, happier, and healthier. So embrace your family and...

Turn Yourself Into a Product to Self-Promote

Dr. Bragg: "Make yourself a product. Convert yourself to like a product. If you were selling Katie Juice, which is sweetened and has a good, you know, it just makes you energetic and it tastes good too. And it's nice and cool on a hot summer day, you're bragging about...

You must unleash the power of goal setting

Before you can fully unleash the power of goal setting you must write down your goals and be clear of where you are now and where you want to go. Take time to jot down what's holding you back. But it is equally important that you decide what you want and understand...

How To Spend Time On What Matters

I want you to think about how we spend our time on the things that really matter in the course of a day. We can't do everything. Here are some tips that you want to think about.   1. You want to first think about not comparing yourself to others. When we spend...

United Way: Practice Gratitude, Be Happier, Healthier, and Live Longer

Last week I was honored to be the keynote speaker at Women United, which is part of United Way. They had a luncheon where they brought 800 women together. Women United is an organization that comes together to address the critical needs of women in our community. It...

Do You Have the Heart of a Leader like Harriet Tubman?

In celebration of Black History Month, we want to pay tribute to Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman was a freed slave who went back and forth through the Underground Railroad over 19 times and freed 300 slaves. When we think about a leader, many times people ask, "What is...

Find Out Who You Are and Do it On Purpose

We often waste time worrying about what others think of us. But we really need to concentrate on who we want to be. I encourage you to follow the words of Dolly Parton who said, "Find out who you are and do it on purpose." When you do you every day, you will instill...

Achieve Your Goals With These (3) Simple Steps

I'd like to share my three simple steps on how you can achieve your goals. Don't get frustrated when you have a roadblock. Just try to NIP it in the bud, and use the 3 steps. N, navigate the possibilities, and see the big picture. I, be inquisitive. Maybe look at the...