Do you need to be more consistent?

Jan 31, 2023 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

As we enter into the new year, I want you to think about the word consistent. What does it mean to be consistent? It means to act or do things in the same way. Over time, when we think about our goals, often we know how to do what we want to do and we know what we want to achieve, but we often fall short because we are not consistent. We don’t continue to do the things that work the same way over time so that we can gain momentum.

When we are consistent, we have continuity. We don’t show the variation of contraindications to the goals that we want to achieve. Sometimes consistency can help us to eliminate worries because we are doing it the right way and we usually will gain momentum and then can accomplish what we want to accomplish. Consistency is important. Whether we want to achieve a better relationship, whether we want better work performance or school performance, we know what we want and often we know how to do it.

If we want to achieve health goals, we know that exercising consistently is important. We know that eating right consistently is important. We know that if we have high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, we have to take our medications consistently every other day want work. So consistency matters whether you’re trying to achieve financial goals, career goals, goals in your schools, goals at work, or goals in your health.

It is with consistency that will make the difference as we move forward. So have you ever considered you know what you want, you know when you want it, but have you examined what’s holding you back? And it may come down to the consistency is what you are lacking.

You want it to lose weight, but you didn’t eat right, but twice a week rather than every day. Or you wanted to exercise but you didn’t exercise, but twice a week rather than most days of the week.

So let’s examine our consistency this year as we strive to reach our goals. Here are three things I want you to remember. As you think about becoming more consistent, isolate one goal. And remember that developing consistency doesn’t happen overnight.

Focus on incremental improvement and fight your emotion. And let’s remember that whatever your failures were last year, leave them in last year.
Leave your disappointments and setbacks to last year and let’s move forward this year. Forgive yourself for your failures and disappointments and focus on being
consistent with your goals this year.

Write down your goals. Start doing it today and be consistent. And I believe that this time next year when you evaluate where you are now and where you want to be, you would have moved forward. 

Let consistency lead you in this new year.

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