What is the difference between a task and a goal?

Jan 2, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

I want us to get clear on two terms, a task versus what is a goal.

A task is something that simply advances our life. It’s what we write down each day. A to-do list. We need to go to the grocery store, pick up the children at three o’clock, ect. Those are tasks and not goals.

A goal is something that’s really going to stretch you, and you have to stretch to do it. You have to work hard, and it’s going to have an ambitious outcome.

I bet if you look back on some of the goals that you had for last year and you really analyze and think about why did you not achieve them, it will help you to be able to propel forward and move forward this year as you try to reach your goals for 2024.

But I want you, as I have told you the last few days, to write down the things that are good about YOU. If you concentrate on those good qualities, such as your strengths and the things that define you, it will be those principles, those traits, those characteristics that you have to summon that will help you to move forward to achieving your goals in 2024.

I wish you all a happy New Year and much success this year. Get straight on a task versus a goal and the qualities in you that are gonna help you to move forward now.

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