Three Tips to Stop Fear and Anxiety

Aug 27, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

I want to share 3 tips that can help you to overcome a fear — something you are afraid of that causes you to be anxious.

First, I want you to learn more about that fear.

Why are you afraid?

And you may find through learning more about it that your fear is unfounded because it’s based on what I call F.E.A.R: false evidence that appears real.

And then secondly, I want you to practice deep breathing when you feel afraid or anxious because when you breathe in and exhale out slowly, it calms you.

And thirdly, you can let nature be your therapist.

When you are fearful about something, change your mindset.

Let your brain shift from fear to being calm and clear-thinking by running or bicycling, and see if this helps.

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