Are you bragging or sharing your value?

Sep 6, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Katie: “How would you relate your value to bragging? Because bragging gets a really negative connotation. A lot of people think it’s arrogant to brag. I would love for you to talk about more, why is bragging such a negative thing, but how can we kind of change our mindset around bragging?”

Dr. Bragg: “I think as women bragging is really viewed as a negative thing, because like you said, we see them as obnoxious as negative, whatever. And that’s what empowers me to talk about TheBraggFactor, especially with women, because so many women lose jobs and promotions because we think of bragging is so negative, but I asked you Katie, if you’ve ever worked anywhere other than your own business, how often did the boss come by and say, Katie, let me just give you a raise today.”

Katie: “I mean, not very often, it’s happened a couple times, but cause I put my head down and work. I never asked for it.”

Dr. Bragg: “Right. But men will ask for that. And so it gets a negative connotation, but I say the reason brag is a five letter word, my name B-R-A-G-G and not a four letter word B-R-A-G is because that second G stands for gratitude. And I think it is the gratitude that is the seperator Katie, that if you say I did this and you said from a standpoint of gratitude, then people will embrace what you did. And so if we brag from a standpoint of gratitude, it’s seemed different and you’re just brag, bragging. And then also are you bragging something that was factual? Like if you say I was able to, with the help of, uh, my staff raised $10,000 for our church choir, you may be bragging. That’s a fact, but see how it came across that you did that with your staff and you did it for the church choir and whatever, how people will receive that. So that’s why you want to do it from a standpoint of gratitude and it comes across much better, but people view it as a negative thing. But I can tell you that if you don’t learn how to do it and promote yourself, you are gonna fall short on some of the things that you are deserving of because that person would take your job from you or take the accolades from you that you really accomplished. And it would be your work. I have been in situations where I know I did a certain thing and the person presented it like they did and I had to learn, oh no, I can’t keep letting him get credit for that.

To listen to the whole podcast episode on Contagious Confidence, visit this link and select your preferred listening platform.

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