Exercise to Boost Confidence

Aug 16, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

We’ve talked about it before, but I want to talk about it again — the importance of giving yourself positive self-talk. I just don’t tell you this just to tell you. I’m telling you this because this simple exercise can help to boost your self-confidence and your self-esteem. Every morning, when you get up, or before you go to bed at night, I want you to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re good enough to do whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish. Appreciate yourself. You need to thank yourself for working hard today to provide for your family. Thank yourself for cooking a good meal for your family. Thank yourself for meeting a deadline at work when you know that you had very little energy.

Sometimes we have to get energy from our little toe and bring it all the way up in order to accomplish our goals, and so you need to tell yourself before you go to bed that you did a great job. Maybe you had a Zoom meeting, and you really were tired and just could barely make it. Thank yourself. Give yourself the opportunity to thank yourself for making it through that Zoom meeting when you knew that you were tired, and the speaker was boring.

So you can do this in the morning and give yourself some self-love, or you could do it at night before you go to bed. But either in the morning, if you’re a morning person, make it your morning routine to give yourself some self-talk, or do it before you go to bed so that your mind is focused and clear on the things that you’ve accomplished that day, and not on the pains and tragedies and bad things that we read about in the paper, the magazines, and see on the news.

By acknowledging your daily wins and accomplishments, you are cultivating self-love and gratitude for you. You see, the Bragg Factor is about owning and communicating your value. And the reason Bragg is spelled B-R-A-G-G — it is my name, but that second G stands for gratitude. And we do everything to succeed from a standpoint of gratitude. So give yourself some self-love and gratitude for your own hard work, and this will help boost your self-esteem. This is a powerful way to grow higher self-confidence and self-esteem.  I want you to try this, and then email me at DrBragg@TheBraggFactor.Com and let me know how it’s working for you. Or you can leave a comment at the YouTube comment section below. Now please sign up for this YouTube channel, and share it with a friend. And remember, start your day or end your day with some self-love talk to yourself so that you boost your own self-confidence and self-esteem.

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