United Way: Practice Gratitude, Be Happier, Healthier, and Live Longer

Oct 31, 2023 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Last week I was honored to be the keynote speaker at Women United, which is part of United Way.

They had a luncheon where they brought 800 women together. Women United is an organization that comes together to address the critical needs of women in our community. It was amazing to see all these women of different backgrounds raising money so that they could address programs to help women.

We know that people who show gratitude are healthier, happier, and live longer. So I ask you, what are you doing to show gratitude? Are you getting up in the morning and thinking about the good that you can do and do to others? If you are a mother, do you get up in the morning and tell your children how grateful you are for them? Or if you are a business person, do you share a little gratitude with your staff?

How wonderful it would be if you just stopped by Susie’s desk who works for you, and let her know how meaningful and valuable she is to your team. So my tip for today is share gratitude and see if you are healthier, happier, and possibly will live longer. So why don’t we all live in a state of gratitude now? 

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