No more excuses!

Mar 26, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

No more excuses! Last week, I outlined 7 things that were holding you back, and today, we’re gonna talk about step 1, making excuses.

Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Well, interesting, most of us started out at the same place in life with nothing.

Almost all rich people, multimillionaires in America started out with nothing, and are 1st generation millionaires. Did you know that the wealthiest people in America, the Warren Buffetts, the Michael Dell, the Bill Gates, were all first generation multibillionaires? And so you have to decide what you want to do, and what you want to accomplish, and this requires a lot of self discipline.

In our society, the top 20% of people earn 80% of the money and enjoy 80% of the riches and rewards. We call this the Pareto Principle which has been proven over and over again.

If you really want to be top in your field and make the most money, then you need to strive to become one of the top 20%, and that simply comes from having and doing hard work. I call it sweat equity. Don’t worry about the fact that you started with nothing. You’re just joining a crowd where we all started from nothing.

The secret to success is working hard. That is the secret to success, having good discipline, and making no excuses. The next time you’re challenged with doing something on your job, and maybe you’re asked to do something extra, embrace it. That is allowing you to distinguish yourself from others because you are learning an additional skill. Don’t take it as though you’re being asked to do extra work, Take it as it is allowing me to gain skill and knowledge because it’s skill and knowledge that’s going to separate you from the others, and puts you in a better position to grow.

Let’s stop making excuses.

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