How Are The People in Your Circle Helping You?

Jan 21, 2025 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

As you evaluate your circle of friends, have you ever thought about it?

Are the people in your circle romancing, financing, advancing, or enhancing your life in any way?

If they are not doing one of these four things, then why are you spending so much time with them?

That’s my tip for a Terrific Tuesday. Think on this now.

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How to Achieve Your Goals Quickly – Use the NIP IT Strategy

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How to Overcome Failures and Succeed: The Prune and Grow Strategy

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What Does It Take To Have Good Relationships?

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Are You Tired of Being Stuck?

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Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goal

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How a 30-Second Brag Helps You Promote Yourself

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Learn to Value Yourself and You Will Value Your Time

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