You know, to begin the year, we all set resolutions, and research says that by the end of the month, most of us have given up on those resolutions.
But what I ask you to do is this: if you see yourself not moving toward your goals and starting to get out of the making-progress mode, then perhaps you need to think about celebrating some small wins.
Of the things that you set out to do, which ones have you kept up with?
Well then, celebrate those wins, write them down, and do something special to remind yourself of the good in you.
And don’t get caught up in a discouraged and defeated attitude, reminding yourself that you failed at this last year, and here you are again this year, failing at the same thing.
Turn that discouragement into determination, and be determined that you are going to accomplish one of those goals and get out of that failure mentality.
And this may be why it’s important to have an accountability partner, someone who can encourage you along the way to help you reach your goals.
I hope you find this tip beneficial and start setting small goals, putting them into chunks, reminding yourself of the good things that you’ve done, getting out of that defeatist and discouraging attitude, and moving toward a more determined attitude.
And celebrate your wins!
You will find that this can help you to accomplish more of your goals this year.