The power of your healthy mindset

Sep 27, 2022 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Everything must start with us and sometimes as entrepreneurs, we put ourselves at the back of the line and we need to put ourselves at the front as it relates to our health. There can’t be a business without a healthy you, there can’t be a good thriving mission without a healthy, clean mindset with you.

One thing that you can do using the brag factor from that standpoint is, The Bragg Factor can help to move you from an arena of pain to function, because it all starts off with your mindset.

What is your mindset? If there’s something in the brain called the Reticulate activating system, which is a network in the brain that filters out things much like a water filter on your kitchen sink. The same thing with pain. If you keep saying, I’m gonna hurt all day and claim that you will hurt all day.

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