Congrats to Coach Dawn Staley and Caitlin Clark:Women’s Basketball

Apr 23, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

I’d like to say congrats to Coach Staley and Caitlin Clark.

Like many of you recently, I know you watched the 2024 women’s national basketball tournament. And did you know that more people watch that game than in any professional sports men or females since 2019? It was 24 million viewers.

My hats off to Caitlin Clark for what she’s done for women’s basketball, and I hope she’ll get paid what she deserve because she deserves a lot with the publicity that she’s bringing to women’s basketball and hats off to coach Dawn Stately, who when she won the national championship, she took time to also congratulate Caitlin Clark who was on the opposing team. Now if that’s not a class act, what is it?

So women, keep up with your class because a class act always wins.

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