How to Overcome Failures and Succeed: The Prune and Grow Strategy

Apr 9, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Today I want to share how I overcome failures and succeed.

I’m often asked, what do you do when things in your life don’t work out? Well, one thing I’ve learned is that success is not permanent. Even though you may be successful in one part of your life there’s always another part of your life that you need to work on.

We’re all going to have roadblocks. Think about Thomas Edison. Before he discovered the light bulb, he had 9,999 attempts that it didn’t work. But he didn’t get frustrated. He thought about those as 9,999 experiences that gave him information that he could perfect to move forward.

When we have a stumbling block, we need to take time to see what did we learn from it, and how can we propel ourselves forward when we look at those stumbling blocks. What I found in my own life, and in reading the lives of successful people, that those stumbling blocks can stand as catalyst to propel us forward. But then there are times in our life that things happen, and it may be lost job, lost relationship, or lost income.

Maybe you thought, ‘Oh my god. Is is really bad.’ But then sometimes you have to take out the shears, the cut in shears, and just cut back on that. Don’t focus on it. Because just like a plant, our lives go through pruning phases, and we go through growing seasons.

When things are bad, we have to cut it back. But generally, when you cut something back, guess what? The next phase of life is gonna be a growing season. Because when we cut back a plant by pruning, then it gives it greater growth, and it’s ready to bloom. Because you can think about a lot of times when you’re going through great pain in your life, that great pain is right before you’re ready to blow up and really succeed.

I often say that if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. So those pains prepare us to be able to move forward. So what is the tip today? Don’t get frustrated when you have a roadblock. Just try to nip it in the bud and use the 3 steps that always say n, navigate the possibilities and see the big picture.

I, be inquisitive. Maybe look at the internet and research and see what else you need to do to get around that, uh, stumbling block.

P, put yourself around positive people. That’ll help you to propel forward and keep you positive, so you can overcome failures and succeed. 


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