Positive Self Talk

Apr 2, 2024 | Tip for a Terrific Tuesday

Positive self talk is more important than you might realize. If you’re struggling with reaching your goals, have you evaluated what you’re saying to yourself? There is great value in self talk. When you get up in the morning, what are you saying to yourself? If you do the right self talk, this allows you to increase your value and understand your skills so that they are in alignment.

Perhaps you’re not reaching your goals because you are telling yourself that you are not good enough to have what you really want to have.

Catch the thoughts when you think of yourself in a negative way, then simply ask yourself why that negativity cannot be true. 

It takes practice, but it’s worth the effort. When you feel better you do better.

Write down your strengths and positive things people say about you so you can refer back to it when you need reminders of how valuable you are.

When you do the right positive self talk, then this would increase your confidence, boost your morale, and help you to have the energy to go after those goals.

Try it in the morning and look in your mirror and tell yourself that you are good enough, because you know what? Your thoughts can help to change your life. So change your thoughts, change your life.

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